openingstijden café
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Become a donor to Utopie Foundation!

Grand café Utopie is a meeting place for idealists.Quite a few idealistic organizations however can hardly afford the regular, cost-covering rental fee. These organizations can ask Utopie Foundation (Stichting Utopie) for a financial contribution. The foundation can sometimes cover part of the bill. It can only do this thanks to its donors and to the extent to which the funds obtained from donations allow it.

You can become a donor by making a one-off or a periodic transfer to the account of the foundation. Every bit helps! Through your donation, you keep Utopie available for idealistic organizations.


Would you prefer to transfer your donation without IDEAL? The account number of Stichting Utopie is NL37TRIO0379397412. For more information about donating to the foundation, please contact the board of the foundation.