Utopie consists of three entities: Utopie Law Partnership, Utopie Cooperative Association and Utopie Foundation. Utopie’s goal is, in brief, to provide legal support and space for ideals. The law firm specializes in legal support for collective causes and idealistic organizations; the cooperative association operates Grand café Utopie, and the foundation makes it possible for idealistic initiatives with a tight budget to use Utopie for their activities.
Utopie has welcomed many idealists over the years and facilitated many different social events, but we are not yet where we would like to be. The time has come for us to take the next steps together with you.
Utopie is, therefore, turning to you, as idealists and utopians, with the invitation to enhance the cooperative’s support base and to join us in thinking about how we can, together, achieve the goal of being and remaining a leading and financially healthy meeting space for idealists.
This is where you come in, as a frequent guest, idealist and/or friend of Utopie! Can you help Utopie so that we too can continue to help you achieve your goals?
We would like to invite you to an info meeting on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at 7:30 p.m. to catch up, to hear how you see the future of Utopie, and to discuss how you can become involved. We would love to hear your input.
Where and when
Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 7:30 p.m. at Grand Café Utopie
Preliminary program
19:00 Walk-in
19:30 Welcome and introduction (by Utopie)
19:45 Information about the organization (cooperative membership, donorship of Utopie Foundation)
19:55 Looking ahead (by Utopie)
20:05 Your questions and reflections
20:20 Break
20:30 Your suggestions and ideas
20:45 Chat and drinks
All this in a relaxed and creative atmosphere.