openingstijden café
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Grand Café Utopie

Utopie consists of an idealistic law firm and a grand cafe which serves as a meeting place for idealists. Both the law firm and the grand cafe are located in the Grote Pyr, at the junction of Waldeck Pyrmontkade en de Elandstraat.

The law firm is located on the first floor, above the cafe, and specialises in legal support for not-for-profit and activist causes in the areas such as nature conservation, environmental law, animal protection and housing rights.

Please check our agenda for our events.

Renting the space

What can I use Utopie for?

Utopie specialises in facilitating grassroot and not-for-profit activities ranging from presentations and meetings to public events. Utopie is equipped with sound, light and streaming equipment and our expert staff can provide technical and production assistance for events. With or without an audience, online, offline or hybrid: depending on the type of event and the wishes of the organisers, the possibilities are many.

Utopie is accessible for wheelchairs.

Which spaces can I use?

Utopie is a grand cafe, which can be divided into two spaces – the cafe and venue, each with a surface area of 50 m2, using a soundproof partition wall. Each of these two spaces can thus be used separately. The grand cafe can host up to 100 people. When used separately, the venue can host up to 40 people and the cafe up to 45.

Several meetings or events may take place in Utopie at the same time in the venue, cafe or even the entrance hall. Upon request, the bar personnel can close the partition wall wall between the café and the venue or move tables.

What are the costs of using Utopie?

Utopie takes into consideration the financial capacity of each organisation when deciding on its offer. This overview lists the standard fee and a reduced fee.

If, further to reading the information provided on the website, you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to We aim to answer within 24 hours. For urgent questions, you can call our planner: 06 11 36 35 47.

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